Convert a Google calendar in CSV

If you use my Free ICS to CSV converter web service to convert your calendar(s) as a table to be able to import into Excel, Pages, Numbers, or even to Google Calendar you might already know that you can select one or more ics files at once, or enter a url of an online calendar.

Important: My converter converts only files ending in .ics

I was checking the other day what happens for users of Google calendar when they export their calendars. Google exports even if you select just one calendar a zip containing the ics.

So, the zip file cannot be converted and the converter will throw an error.

To use those exported files from Google Calendar, just take the individual ICS files out of the ZIP file and select for the converter.


PS: I recently updated the site’s php version to 8.x Should you experience any issues with the converter don’t hesitate to contact me by mail or in Twitter

Αν δε μπορείς να πεις κάτι καλό

Αν δε μπορείς να πεις κάτι καλό

κράτα το στόμα σου κλειστό

Aν για εσένα πολύ φαντάζει

δεν σου αρέσει,

σε χαλάει; Tι να πω;

Δικό σου το πρόβλημα καλή μου.

Εμένα δε με νοιάζει

date() PHP 7.4 vs 8

Recently I updated the PHP version of my site from 7.4 to 8 and found out that…

A date() working fine on PHP 7.4 and bringing today’s date without any date formatting, will throw an error on PHP 8:

Uncaught ArgumentCountError: date() expects at least 1 argument, 0

There is actually an easy fix for that, but it will break however your scripts.

So before updating to PHP 8, it might be a good idea searching your code for date() and correct it to at least

date('Y-m-d H:i:s')

For a full list of changes between PHP 7.4.x and PHP 8.0.x just check the source.

Excel – Transpose – Did you know?

With Excel you enter data and organise them by columns or rows.

Excel is not a database, so you choose your columns or rows according to your own judgment. Sometimes you find it practical to compare them row by row. Sometimes you consider how many properties a specific data set can accept and go for the columns approach. When however you find yourself in the situation where you need to switch your data from rows to columns or vice versa, the function called Transpose is the feature of your choice.

Transpose and how to use it

Transpose pastes data and switches it from rows to columns, or columns to rows. To use it:

  • You select your range of cells.
  • Ctrl+Click or right click them
  • Select Copy
  • Ctrl-Click a cell where to put them
  • Select Paste Special > Transpose

You’re done.